Farewell Way!

Considerations about Fourier series and Spectrum

This final conclussions lesson can be accomodated to the last 10 to 15 minutes of a lesson. Considerations about Fourier series and Spectrum Decomposition of Functions The underlying idea behind ...

Example of Fourier series of an asymmetrical square pulse train

This example can be developed on the blackboard for 10 to 15 minutes. Example: Fourier $d_n$ coefficients of an asymmetrical square pulse train Problem Statement Find the coefficients for the Fou...

Example of Fourier series of a symmetrical bipolar square pulse train

This example can be developed on the blackboard for 20 to 30 minutes, if followed by a previous exmample. Example: Fourier series of a symmetrical bipolar square pulse train Problem Statement Dev...

Example of Fourier series of a symmetrical square pulse train

This example can be developed on the blackboard for 30 to 50 minutes, depending on how thorough the explanations given to the students are. Example: Fourier series of a symmetrical square pulse tr...

Fourier Series

This is the content of an introductory lesson to Signals. Inmersive content about Fourier series and how to apply the formulae. Time: Exposition time: about 10 minutes and then go through the prac...

What is a Signal

This is the content of an introductory lesson to Signals. It lacks the introduction to System concept. But Systems will not be introduced until mid semester. Time: Exposition time: about 30 minute...

Stage 02, Larrasoaña - Cizur Menor

Way of Saint James, second stage: from Larrasoaña to Cizur Menor An unexpected brightness awakens you. Gradually, you become aware of your surroundings; the sleeping bag enveloping your body, the ...

Stage 01, Roncesvalles - Larrasoaña

Way of Saint James, first stage: from Roncesvalles to Larrasoaña You’re not quite sure what time it is. Restless, not yet awake but not asleep either, you’ve been tossing and turning in the bunk f...

Stage 00, Roncesvalles

Startup Stage: Roncesvalles The day has arrived. You haven’t done anything special or heroic; it has simply arrived. You got up not too early, had breakfast like any other day - except, perhaps, f...

Etapa 03, Cizur Menor - Puente la Reina

Camino de Santiago, etapa tercera: de Cizur Menor a Puente la Reina Suena el despertador, te despiertas; es la hora convenida y, aún soñoliento, te parece que todo está en orden. Son las cinco y me...